Small and medium-sized enterprises, in particular, increasingly need to keep their accounts (customers, suppliers and warehouse) constantly under control, but also need to operate with great flexibility, thus being able to count on a platform that allows access to your data, locally and remotely.
The need for flexibility is now the basis on which our small and medium-sized companies are founded, having to deal with an increasingly enlarged and increasingly competitive market, moreover each component is called to carry out their work with greater commitment and responsibility.
As the groundworks of this commitment and responsibility, however, there must be the “knowledge” of information in real time and everything that is part of a business process must be able to be included and available from the same platform.
For these reasons, we believe that a company management system cannot be one of the countless platforms available in the company to allow only management and accounting activities.
In fact, commercial activities are an integral part of the company’s ability to survive and develop in the market and commercial information must be available to commercial operators to allow customer management up to purchase and then for assistance and support.
Furthermore, the same information (orders, estimates, contracts and related confirmations) must also be available to those who manage the accounting and administrative implications of the relationship with the customer.
The platform we offer to small and medium-sized companies is a completely web-based platform (no client to install and manage) that can be local or in the cloud, allowing in both cases to be able to access it from the office or from anywhere else in the world by accessing not only the accounting and management data, but also the documentation passed: offer sent, modified, signed and which in an absolutely simple way is transformed into an invoice.
All documents obtained and/or sent to the customer or supplier can be included as attachments to the personal data, the estimate, the order, the contract and/or the invoice, allowing you to always and easily have all the documentation connected with a specific accounting activity.
The platform derives from an open source platform and is professionally managed, with assistance, support and access to any evolutions also developed on the basis of specific needs (if the requests reflect individual needs) or given by characteristics and subsequent developments in case that requests can also be considered useful to other companies.
These assumptions basically offer two advantages:
- Being able to have customizations that you do not intend to make available to others
- Discuss with others how a need can be solved and then developed on the basis of broader needs and on the basis, in this case, of broader experiences.
Thus forming a community that contributes with its own ideas and needs to the development of the platform, sharing its solutions, but also allowing, when required, to customize features based exclusively on one’s own needs.
This is the spirit with which we have adopted this solution.
Many features have been developed and designed to be simple (in small companies those who manage the administration and basic accounting do not always have specific administrative experience, they know what they want to achieve, but they must be able to obtain it in a simple and intuitive way), with functionality much more advanced (being small does not mean having simple needs) compared to the panorama of solutions available on the market.
We have said that it is based on an open source platform, this means that at any time, if we have not lived up to your expectations, you can continue to use the platform without any other commitment to us (1), therefore any investment of time and money made is always and in any case safeguarded.