The EAS – Enterprise Announcement System is a platform for the automatic management of service and emergency announcements that offers the “Transportation and Logistic” sector the solution for the automation of announcements that can be integrated with specific operational aspects, such as in airports, announcements related to flight arrivals and departures.

It is possible to manage the service in a completely automatic way, by configuring how many minutes before the departure time you want to send the notice of the start of boarding operations, or in a semi-automatic way directly from the operator through a special web interface that allows , starting from the gate, to check the planned flight and then authorize the start of the announcement of the start of boarding activities.
The semi-automatic method allows the operator to decide to start boarding operations only once they arrive at the GATE, starting the announcement of the start of boarding operations.
Starting from the boarding announcement, the subsequent announcements (last announcement and boarding closed) or any changes that may occur (modification of the GATE and/or modification of the departure time and therefore of boarding) can continue to be managed in a fully automatic. in reference to the change of state managed by the FIDS.

The integration module with the FIDS allows the optimal management of flight announcements since it keeps the information updated in relation to the dynamics and evolutions of the time table and any changes made by the operators on the single flight such as boarding start and gate changes ( delay changed, delay gate) or at the time of departure and / or boarding.

EAS – Enterprise Announcement System is also able to provide information on flights also to external users, through a work flow that can be configured as an IVR service, integrated with the Innovaphone telephone system, which also makes the service available to external users through a dedicated number which is able to provide the arrival and departure times of flights.

The messages are dynamically spoken in multiple languages, using a speech synthesis technology, both for internal announcements at the airport and for information on flights via telephone consultation.
For telephone users, the welcome messages to the “flight information” service can be recorded by the operator via any telephone terminal or by recording each message and subsequent entry into the application.

The current operation and administration of the platform is available through a web interface and the available features are:

  • The availability for the operator of the manual start of the announcement for flights in a “boarding” state.
  • The availability for the administrator to access the administration of the announcement system that allows the management of translations for messages, airlines, destinations and flight statuses (boarding, last call, closed, delay changed, delay gate, etc.), allowing the creation of dynamic ads.

Current operations (activation of the boarding announcement) can also be carried out via a telephone terminal: the operator, in fact, by calling a telephone number assigned to the service, receives the authentication request via PIN, after which he can indicate the flight which intends to “open” to boarding, subsequent messages are always sent automatically.